Thursday, January 31, 2013

What is real?

Waking up, when the feeling is strongest an the mind clearest
I question what is real or not real
this feeling sensation or the ideal background environment imagination
the feeling feels more real to me
feeling is an uninterrupted sensation
subjectivity win out over objectivity
concrete over abstract
foreground over background
the objective mind is a background
it is an illusion of goals and expectation
guides of conduct and social protocol
it is more ideal than the real accurate interpretation
it can go where no feeling can go but it can get stuck in the cloud
we confuse the mind as being real and the feeling as nuisance
we think the mind is the environment
we overrate the mind and underrate the feeling
sensation is real, feeling is strong sensation
like strong thoughts pop up in the current of consciousness
it is a game of foreground and background
strong and weak experience of sensation and thoughts
that gives the perception of real
identification with the characters
animate the non-animals
living the lifeless
a puppet master and its puppet

subjectivity is psychological experience and observation based sense experience
this is the unique individual factor of an experience
objectivity is verbal based
this is collective and linguistic

sense experience, psychological experience, and verbal experience is an abstraction increase in that order.
We usually rely on psychological and verbal experience by pingpong our experience between them

the sense experience tell us what and how i am instead of where when who or why i am. the sense experience tell me that I am.

we scan the body, environment, and information, in that order
reality as such/the thing itself, perceiver, and perceived
a book is papers with information, it is not measured for the papers but the information
a person is a meat with life, it is not measured for the meat but the life
however, what matter is the papers and the meat
the physical matter not the story written on it
the matter not the information.

addiction is using non entertainment object as entertainment

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