Friday, August 24, 2012

Johari Window

There is a difference bettween what we do and the action itself (the movement of muscle)
What we know about something and what it is is different
we operate from our knowledge or imagination
we don't tell the difference between this knowledge and imagination, even though we can.
imagination is running away from our knowledge
our feeling and behavior react to this "mind", even our senses react to this "mind"
animal 'think, 'feel', and 'act' reacting to what they sense
human 'sense', 'feel' and 'act' reacting to what they think
"When we do, the mind doesn't really follow our action"
"the mind follow our senses, even the action follow the senses"

Imagination steal the focus away from the knowledge coming from the window of senses
Imagination gives entertainment to "relax and feel good" to escape the "imagination" that is filled with dissapointments and worry.
good dream to replace the nightmare
knowledge follow the senses. Imagination is more abstract collection of knowledge, the big picture of collection of knowledge.
knowledge is like direct experience of our senses. it is more concrete.
Imagination is more abstract. Imagination is like information.

Like movement becomes habit, knowledge becomes imagination. When the imagination is false due to false inference, we have nightmare. We can create our own world of fantasy to go to to escape "real world".

knowledge is what reacting to our senses. Then, our feeling and action react to our knowledge who react to our senses. This is the FLOW. This is Samadi.

Johari window is about self knowledge. What we know about ourselves.
Public knowledge is what I and others know. What I and others agree to what we can sense. We are not talking about general knowledge here, we are talking knowledge about me. This is a small window and  can get tricky. We may say that this window has my General Information, name, sex, race. This window is negotiable and depends on consent. I can manipulate my public knowledge to others and even to myself. It is what I agree to show others. This is our personality. A fool is a person who believes that his public knowledge is what he is. We usually show a good side of us to others and ourselves. This window is not who we are, but who we want to believe and we want others to believe who we are. This is what i PUBLISH.

Private knowledge is what I know but others don't know. This is a very large window. We don't actually know what others do, think, or feel most of the time. Even our own partners that we spend our life with. If we spend time with our partner 24/7, we may see their behavior 18 hours a day except when we sleep. But, it doesn't mean we see her thought and emotion. In opposite, people don't know us, they react to us based on their own knowledge. What people know about us is our public knowledge, what we agree to show them or what we want them to see. A more critical person or naive person knows that there is public knowledge and private knowledge that we kept to ourselves. This is a Lie we told others. THIS IS WHAT I DON'T PUBLISH (BUT CAN LEAK).

Hidden knowledge about myself is what i don't know but what others can know. This is also a very large window. Another name for this window is Bias or Blindspot. For example, our un-aware speech, behavior, and emotional expression. This is the shadow of our self. We usually are not aware of our habit. We have this window due to our Ignorance or Denial. Ignorance is having no knowledge and denial is lying to self.
A wise person knows about his public knowledge, private knowledge, and hidden knowledge. THIS IS WHAT LEAKS AND WE DON'T KNOW IT.

The unknown knowledge about self is what i don't know and others don't know about me. This is the largest window of all. The difference between the hidden and unknown knowledge is this unknown knowledge has not made appearance to me or others yet or it's been forgotten in the past. So, this is our past and future. So, there is difference between the Past and the "past we are still carrying with us" and there is a difference between the future and "saying something about the future or planning". The past is gone and the future has not arrived yet, but our statement about them is just our Imagination. We sometimes call this window Unconscious, that is, knowledge that has gone back to unconscious or knowledge that has not yet appear to our consciousness. THIS IS "EITHER IT IS NOT THERE or NOBODY IS AWARE OF IT"

In language there is a difference between simple tense, "present", "past", "future" and Progressive, "perfect" and "continuous". The former is statements and the latter is progressive or experience. Progressive has two states "have moved" and "is moving". We can also state the negative progressive, "have not yet moved" and "is not moving". We can combine the progressive into perfect continuous "something has been moving" or "something has not been moving yet". The former movement starts in the past and the latter movement will start in the future (if we expect it to move). In progressive state, there is no line between "have moved" and "is moving" (present and future). By "have moved", what we mean to say is "to start the movement". So there is only one movement in progressive state "is moving".

The unknown knowledge has no progressive statements or simple statements that nobody are aware of. There is no knowledge of past, present, or future or anything that is moving. The wisest of man knows about all windows.

In other words, we can say that the first three knowledge has progressive statements and simple statement. The first one has knowledge that I agree to publish. The second one has knowledge that I know but I don't publish (this can leak). The third one has knowledge that I don't know but LEAK.

The fourth knowledge have knowledge that nobody is aware of.

Problems from each window:
1. Public Knowledge. Problems in this window is the problem of personality. A fool may not know that he has problems. There is no problem as long as both I and others believe the public knowledge. If one start to perceive the difference, it will go to point 2 or 3.

2. Private knowledge. Problems in this window can create problems in relationship and self. A secret can kill a person due to guilt and shame. This problem can create problem in communication.

3. Hidden knowledge: Problems in this window create problem in self and relationship (communication).

4. Unknown knowledge: this may be the biggest source of suffering but unknown. When known it will go to windows two or three, either noticed by self or noticed by others.

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