Saturday, February 2, 2013

mistery of love

You asked me what love is
some people seemed to find it but I simply don't have it
some people said that it's something you are born with
some people said that it's feeling
some people said that it's something you have to work at
some people said that it's magic
it comes out of nowhere and goes without notice
leaving you battered and wounded
that's when love turn to hate
it can take you to the highest peak but also bring you to the deepest valley

you know it when you see it
most of the time, you are already fell into it when you see it
those who ask don't know
sometimes you don't even have to have it to make it

love is what makes the world go around
love kills and nurture
love is jealous and understanding
love is angry and patient
because hate is love turned inside out
we have seen on the news everyday what people do because of love.

it is blind and wise at the same time
love is one moment in life that a person thinks about his beloved and not about himself
it is the glue where two temporarily becomes one
what happens when the glue wear out?
the stronger the glue the better?

love is what makes life and the world beautiful
if only we can fall in love all our life
footsteps become lighter, lips can't stop smiling
people are beautiful and it doesn't even hurt when we fall

however, heaven can also become hell
nothing is going right
and even the sound of the wind become unbearable
the dark side of love

love unanswered can turn ugly
sometimes, to get and protect the love, we do loveless things
because most of the time, love is a promise we tell ourselves and others
and we confuse a promise and the promised.

So fall in love
don't limit yourself to objects, people, or idea
because when you love parts of the world, you will hate the other parts
take it all the way, go to the edge, walk to the limb where you can't go any further
love life itself, love God, find Him first and love him
search to deepest ocean or to the highest corner of universe
the bigger you fall in love with, the less hate you have
when you fall in love with the whole, you love everything in it, people, objects, and idea
because everything is made from the Whole

it's not that we can't go the distance
but it is us who stop ourselves before we go
like an arrow, the more you pull, the farther it travels
and like an arrow, you have to let go and let the wind carry the arrow to its destiny.


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