Monday, February 4, 2013

Life is a party

Have you ever felt that life is someone else's party and you are the staff who work at the party?

Or life is someone else's performance and you are the stage crew that work behind the scene who support the performance?

or a buffett and you are the restaurant's employee who must prepare the buffett?

Drop the apron, take off the uniform, join the party
this Boss is different than any other bosses.
He is kind and he is getting bored being the only one in the party
He has asked you hundreds of time to stop working because this is your party
but you haven't listen
He is the staff and the employee who work for your party
He is the guy who works behind the scene
and the guy who prepare the food
birds and flowers know this since the dawn of time
Don't listen to the human bosses who tell you to work to please the Big Guy
they just try to brown nose Him to earn some credit
they usually don't do the work themselves
that's why they tell you to do the works
and they say they do it all for the Big Boss
this is nothing but slavery to please themselves not the Big Boss
all the works has been done, He doesn't need any help
It pleases him greatly if you enjoy the party
like parents who rejoice if his child enjoy his birthday party

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