Deprivation or deficiency suck resources/energies from other sources.
Recovering mode/rescue mode, problem solving mode
When applied to present problem, distortion
using distortion as defense mechanism
Overdevelopment/oversensitive - underdeveloped/unaware/raw/emotional
Codependent - meeting other deficiency and expect other to meet my deficiency
Survival mode
Pretend to be Normal (problem, deficiency)
Cognitive distortion, Feeling distortion
Unmet safety needs
Deficiency -- anger
Feeling is not reliable (feeling type)
Wound - kekurangan
Theory breakdown at depth (philosophy and spirituality)
Dominant feeling
if gut is dominant, Feeling and Thinking is underdeveloped
Feeling as reaction to deficiency
Center has Asset and Liabilities
Instinct (Anger) - Structure/order, Object boundary
Feeling (shame) - Relationship (Social)
Thinking (anxiety) - knowledge/truth
Morally smart, relationship smart, skills smart, art smart, book smart, organizationally smart, street smart, leadership smart,
Wire of energy to core get shorted, cut off energy and transffered to Centers creating personality world.
In crisis, energy released go through centers and suck other energy.
Cut off energy in essence, enable one part dysfunctionally and disable energy to other parts.
Recovery, incompetent, unmet needs, death instincts
losing parents lead to looking for parents
Personality (Feeling, self consciousness, answer, verbal/image, sensation)
Body (emotion, automatic, reaction, impression)
Instead of looking at deficiency or deprivation from normal, look at the nature of each condition.
Emotion is pre symbolic and lizard brain.
emotional intelligence is misleading, because emotion is automatic and unconscious. Attitude intelligence is how we manage information in brain, include how we manage feeling, behavior, and thoughts.
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