There is physical and psychological effects from physical and safety need deficiencies. The physical effects is mostly shortlived or resulted in physical trauma or death. However, the psychological deficiencies can last long and retraumatizing throughout life.
1. Physical needs
The psychological effects of physical needs deficiency has a lot to do with accumulation of stress of lacking food and shelter. Animals experienced stress that motivate behaviors to meet these needs. However, a human being lives in more civilized and competitive society, the stressors are more complex. Another effects is the social/group image/label that a person carry that create victim's mentality. The effects arrest in infancy the development of ego structure/individuation.
2. Safety needs
The psychological effects of safety needs deficiency is still under-appreciated. People think of coerciveness only in terms of physical but still ignore psychological torture, bully, or even threat. "Sticks and stones can hurt my bone." Physical coerciveness has damaging psychological effects, such as anger and rebellion. There are two main effects of safety deficiency; bertrayal and trauma/shock. Bertrayal is the effects caused by slower gradual psychological manipulation. Trauma/shock is the effects caused by sudden physical/psychological force. A person can experience both. In a financially challenged family, problems are caused mostly by physical needs but also by safety needs deficiency. In a financially stabled family, most problems are caused by this safety needs. Force, manipulation, intimidation, threat, acts of violance, rage, resentment are all ways that threaten this safety needs. This effects arrest the development of ego structure/individuation. Abuse of any kinds is this needs deficiency.
3. Social needs
The psychological effects of social needs deficiency arrests the development of personality and create personality malfunction. Social anxiety lead to social inhibition. Lack of humor and playfulness requires a person to fight and compete socially. This needs of deficiency is neglect.
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