Thursday, September 27, 2012

adult victims

Another name for adult victims is adult co dependence. They are victims who has become an adults. There are two kinds of victims, current and ex-victims. We all have experienced being a victim, either current or being an ex. An ex-victim who denies his victimness still act like a victim and victimize others as payback. This is a destructive cycle of an ex-victim victimizing a current victim who eventually will become an ex-victim who victimize another victim, etc.

Borderline doesn't recognize border between self and others and become selfothers. Traumatic experience attach this self and other together. Growing up, we attach our self to others and develop personality as defense mechanism. However, individuation process separate this self from others and personality weakens. However, trauma can block individuation and selfothers remain and personality strengthened.

This selfothers is one way street codependency and create selfothers in other.

There is no cure for these disorders other than personal transformation. This is life experience and create a person in his own way. However, we can stop being victimized in this cycle by recognizing our own victims.

An ex victim who denies his victimness act like his victimizer and victimize others.

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