Wednesday, September 5, 2012


We are born to succeed
It seems hard to succeed and easy to fail, because our mind has a mirror quality like we look at a subject as object.

Subjectively, we are born to succeed and we don't want to fail. But objectively, it becomes the opposite. Subject becomes object, positive becomes negative, success becomes failure. Like how the mind turn the word NO into YES. When we see something in the mirror, it becomes the opposite, left is right. We see where to go but our mind see what to avoid. Like POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE FILM. Negative film is our subjective view of objective world. We then project the negative film into our mind. Thus, our mind see what eyes see. We see the world in reverse. We relate to objects by appearance/positive film. Eyes are like camera and the mind the pictures.

What we show is what we want to be seen. What we create is what we want to be seen.

A typewriter doesn't care content of the letter. We relates in meaning or utilitarianism.

We use mirror to see selves. Our mind is a mirror to self. Even our self-others (incompetent/traumatic self). We transfer this self-others to others.

Senses are use to regulate oneself. When we regulate others, we try to regulate self-others. We relate to others through our self-others. We sometimes regulate self by regulating others.

There are 4 kinds of self-objects based on competence:
1. Unconscious incompetence objects (Objects neither here nor there, separation of self and objects)
2. Conscious incompetence objects (Self-others/self objects, objects controlling self), shadow

3. Conscious competence objects (Self others, self controlling objects), ego

4. Unconscious Competence Objects (Back to objects, separation of self and objects)

Maturity is the level of separation between self and objects. Level of attachment to objects. Emotion is reaction to level of attachment to objects.

We transfer our shadow to others to regulate our shadow.


Don't worry about making right decision. Just decide and make it right. It's not the cards, it's how you play them. It's not the crayons, it's how you draw. It's not the age and price of the intrument but how you play them. An old cheap instrument in the hand of masters always sound better than a new expensive instrument in the hand of novice.

There are two states of suffering, new incompetence or past traumatic experience (old incompetence).

What we see is a reflection of what is.
This is why Jesus reverse the way we understand the rules.

we sabotage wanting to fail like we resist success
we are natural to succeed like we are natural to float.
our emotion resist failure but we misunderstand it as resisting success. Thus, we say "it is easy to fail". No it's not, try it.

we choose to live with negative emotion and fail rather than being successful.We then try to fix the negative emotion with no success. If we just listen to our negative emotions and move up.

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