Monday, September 10, 2012

Everyday Awareness

A theory talk about structural behavior in generalization. it doesn't take into account a person's unique factors, such as a person's past life experience, current situation, and other differences, because theory abstracts those factors.

However, what is our life activity looks like specifically in between big activities, such as waking up, cleaning up, eating, working, going and coming home, relaxing, socializing, and sleeping? Robots can do all those things.

What are the small activities that fill up our life when there is no big activity scheduled? This is what life is. What we are doing at the moment. Are we talking to ourselves? Are we fantasizing? Are we living in alternate environment?

We may RESIST real environment. It is easier to step back into our alternate environment to rehearse our "actions" before performing them, like practicing them in simulation.

We all partially resist our environment. This is where our MIND takes over and creates a Hole because our Mind does not fill us up. This is the immaturity point, arrested development. This resistance can become default mode. This is the small emptiness, the suffering, denial of nature. This is the complex, our alternate "sense reacting to environment".

There are two basic reactions, acceptance and resistance, attraction or repulsion.

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