Friday, January 13, 2012

Truth and Meaning

Sticks and stones can hurt my bone but words can't never hurt me.
We sometimes have to make this affirmation to remind ourselves. Why?
Because we get magically hurts by words. We get hurts with concepts/thoughts in our mind.
It is absurd to get hurt with something that is not a thing, something that we can't touch.
Something that is not physical, chemical, or biological. It is best can be thought of as mental.
Ment-al can best be described as Mind.
Mental is part of 6 dimensions of experience: Physical, Chemical, Biological, Emotional, Mental, Social, Spiritual.
Physical. chemical, and biological  dimensions consists of tangible objects.
However, emotional and mental dimension is a regulating system of an individual and does not have tangible forms
Social and spiritual dimension is a group regulating system.
The higher the dimension, the more abstract the language being used
such as, parable and puzzle used in the spiritual dimension
Each dimensions are created out of necessity following principles of nature, principles of cooperation and competition.
Objects in each dimension started cooperating and eventually competing with each other.
Think about a human being who only has emotion and has no consciousness(Mental)
Now, think about a person who has emotion and intelligence and has no conscience (social)
This is the most dangerous person in the world. (the planet of the apes gives us this scenario of this nightmare)
Like stated earlier, social and spiritual dimension is a group dimension
The social dimension is created to regulate persons who not only has emotion but also has intelligence
However, people now cooperate with another and create a group/society.
This group has more power than an individual.
Imagine if this group who not only has emotion and intelligence, but now has resources has no morality
We can see this in action with how countries govern itself.
That's when spirituality/religion is created.
Religion is actually to regulate or govern societies from killing each other.
That's why religions are more universal.
However, religions can also be used for competition as we can see in our world today with the conflict between religions.
The movie The Book of ELi used this theme that a person who can own this Book can control the world.
This is when the dimension is spiraling up again, to what some people call mysticism
Mysticism is a higher dimension above religions. The language is more abstract, even to the point of empty.
The idea of mysticism is going back to the physical chemical biological dimension and getting beyond the emotional mental social and even spiritual dimension.
The mystical dimension say that the physicchemicalbio dimension is good. The problem is the system (emotional mental social spiritual).
There is pain in the biophysical dimension. But there is suffering in the systematical dimensions.
So, in the mystical dimension, a person has to re learn to live back with nature that we forget how to do. Isn't it absurd that we have to pay money to enjoy nature. at the same time, we are asked to analyze our systematical experience because it's problematic. it s full of illusions. It creates suffering. it is created from our own dispositions and phenomena. This the highest dimension at our current time. A person who make it to this level is more actualized than others. However, this dimension of course can be abused and hijacked by greed, such as people who used their gifts for show or gain profit. This dimension also can be bought, sold, at least that's what's being promised. Look at books and workshops of promising people of shortcut to happiness. Like there is no shortcut to wealth, there is no shortcut to happiness.

So, mental is another name for mind.
Mental is created to regulate emotional dimension, it's more than that actually
Mental is created to regulate all the biophysical emotional dimension.
Emotional dimension is to regulate biophysical dimensions.
Think of emotion as ancient speedometer, mental as digital speedometer
Imagine an old car that only has a stick that goes between 0 and 100 mph on your speedometer
you know roughly how fast you are going but not specifically
Imagine a new car that has a digital speedometer that gives you specific numbers of your speed
That's mental dimension.
It's like a map to a territory, like a menu to food, like a word to point to an object
However, when we deal with concepts in mind, we may have concepts that has no objects, in fact we have so many of them. if we are not careful, these concepts will act like an objects and make it more powerful, like relation-ship, friend-ship. Notice the ending -ship at the end, it's a metaphor. In fact, 99% of language in psychology or social science is objectless concepts. It's scary that people don't know this and use these words as objects.

There is truth beyond true and false. The truth can't be seen or thought of or conceptualized
All phenomena or concepts or disposition must be true or false, they are not the truth
Like happiness and Goodness, it is beyond conception and duality

We create meaning when we put together phenomena in our mind.
We create memory by putting together different object together.

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