Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Public Relations and damage control

When we do public relations and damage control
we are advertising a product to have a good name and to maintain a good name
The name of the product has nothing to do with the product
because the name of the product becomes the product in our mind and has a life of its own
we are manipulating the linguistic environment in the product's favor to sell the product

We do the same thing in our mind where we sell our product, our self
The price is to earn others' acceptance, attention, and admiration
What we are selling is the name, maintaining the good name, reputation
This name symbolize qualities that we are selling through our behaviors, being nice.
Kindness is very difficult actually, even love is very difficult
Since people are ignorant and they get stuck with words, they can get fooled easily
they confused the words uttered as the quality of the object itself

SO, unknowingly, due to our image of self inferiority, we are busy doing PR and DC in our mind
We try to protect our products
To compete with other products, we destroy others' products or we promise the best from our products
we say that our products are the best
The problem is we actually knows better because even though we can lie, but human nature can't lie
We know what we really think about ourselves, eventhough it's not real either
we eventually forget that the image of the product that we create is not what we believe what we really are
so, we spend our lives marketing and trying to sell our selves
doing public relations and damage control all day and night long

But, when the inferiority is faced, it will get neutralized
because we don't have to market and sell ourselves in order to live

we confuse kindness with nice, love with "love", real with image.

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