Sunday, January 15, 2012

Human Condition

What's the difference between human being and being human?
Are we human being or being human?
Human being assume that there is a being other than the human
Being human is more grammatically correct, because there is only one form, the human
Another name for being human is human condition.
Being human involve change and impermanence
A cake depends on the ingredients and the combination of the ingredients
A cake is not only the result. A cake being a cake from before it becomes a cake
We just don't call it a cake before it becomes a cake.
Michaelangelo can see a statue in a bulk of rock
and all he has to do is to chisel what is not part of the statue
After the cake is handled, cut, eaten, it is still being a cake
It may look different than the original cake, but it is still being a cake
Human depends on the ingredients and the combination of the ingredients
the ingredients involved biochemical changes between internal and external space and the emotional mental and social changes we call experiences.
we all are being human and we can't not being human
We can't stop, disrupt, manipulate, choose this process
Chemical reaction do not disappear, they converse from one form to others
Don't we make what we thought the best decision with the resource that we have at any moment of time?
It's only when we look back, we judge mistakes after we analyze using morality and social standards.
Freud recognize this conflict between human condition and social standard (ideal human) as ID and ego/superego and he was condemned for it.
Everything is unfolding exactly as its best at any single moment
If only we don't have preference, if only we don't have self identification
From self identification, come self defense, damage control, self protection, self infatuation, and self gratification, self violation, and self frustration.
suffering and enlightenment is part of human conditions. they depend on the ingredients.

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