Friday, July 5, 2013

complementary mind

a person is not what he is, what he hides
we don't know this because we got fooled by the act
when we perceive something we like the total idea, total experience
if we hear verbal message, our mind makes up the absent emotional and behavioral message
our mind makes up the absent experience
we actually are influenced more by the emotional and behavioral message
how something is heard or something is seen, not the what
what a person is.
verbal message is important, but the person makes stronger impression
verbal, emotional, behavioral, the person.
infered by the mind than the message itself
we mindread
we make up the emotional, behavioral, the cognitive
even the self itself
we like complete picture and static
this is where the mind comes in
giving us complete picture
triggering emotional reaction to emotional messages
as precursor for actions
like seeing symptoms of tornado and to get out before it hits
it's a gift, it's also a curse
great for survival, bad for "short term" relationship

Nature is "good" when it is seen from a distance
when it is seen for the long term and as a group, not individual

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