Thursday, June 27, 2013

Input vs Output

What is so called life but an input?
the images created or perceived
experiences sensed
mind is the output generator and the input receiver
we listen to what we say
we watch what we project on the screen of mind
input is the background of our output
current of thoughts coming to the field of mind's visual
input from our internal senses
needs are input
love are input
all are food that we take in
life itself is input and our reaction to it
input is passive karma
our reaction is our active karma that creates future passive karma
input is the context of our output behaviors
environment where we live
what kind of input environment do we live in?
but, input = output.
our input is created by our output behavior
the thought that we create
what we don't create we called automatic/unconscious
our input comes from our output, it's self created
then, we react/create output to the contextual input
creating the loop of output/input
what happens when we shut down the input?
there is no output and there is no input
cutting the loop
cutting the habit, the cycle

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