Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday 25 June 2013

There are internal and external factors to a behavior
the triggers are also internal or external
a person who act angry could be trigger internally, his mood/habit
or externally, situation

A statement could be subjective and objective, depends on the amount of agreeableness
concrete or abstract, depends on generalization

narcissism is a hunger/deprivation of love not received
"he doesn't love me"
it's about what other people don't do
nobody gets sick from not loving enough
people gets sick from not geting love
that they think they deserve
they get dissapointed when they don't
that's why love is not attachment to others
about love or being love
it's an addiction
and the other way is true, what others feel or needs or wants is not our responsibility or obligation to do
each fulfill his own needs
as long as we don't violate others or ask others for our needs

we suffer because we think happiness is out there, from what others do AND we think we are responsible for others' happiness

THe problem of suffering:
1. We subjectify the I ness by pronouns the I (intrapersonalize it)
2. We interpersonalize it (adding you)
3. Obsess and misapprehend about I

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