Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Life Responsivity Factors

There are two kinds of people: those who are ready to live and those who resist to live
the former is receptive to what life has to offer and the latter seems to fight it
it is life readiness factor or life resistant factor
this is part of how we respond to life or responsivity factors

some other responsivity factors are biopathological, psychopathological/intelligence or emotional.
however, this life readiness factor has nothing to do with biological or intelligence/emotional factors
it is more temperamental and purely sociopsychological
the other name for this psychological
the side effect of an experience
a child who is afraid to go to a dentist
a client who resist treatment
students who resist school
an ill person who react to the stigma

some are born with this difficult temperament
like having an emotional disability
however, some are learned and situational
such as joining a group with strong social stigma, such as being sick

responsivity factors are factors that block participation in an event
this can be identified and managed
this responsivity factors that is learned or psychological can be managed or hopefully unlearned

symptoms of this resistance is the denial of life and pursue of entertainment
a person is engaged in soothing behaviors more than they do in living
they avoid life as if life is a pain
and they try to escape from it

the cause of this phenomenon is spiritual
human dimension is cut off from the natural dimension
and suffering is the result
suffering is transferred from one generation to the next generation
bad behavior breeds bad behaviors
victims create other victims
unless we stop the cycle
by stopping our self from playing

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