Happy are the children
so absorbed in what they do and not with what others think
Once unshackled from the life-sucking demands of ego, we clearly see the
unformed creatures we had hitherto been, like children. Not children
in the happy, lyrical sense, but in the abrasive, self-absorbed,
discordant sense. What we consider bright and beautiful in children is
the inherent nature of the fully developed human. Our true state is one
of playfulness, innocence, lack of guilt, unboundedness of spirit,
robust health and inner light, a natural confidence and unerring sense
of right, imperturbability, grace, a calm eye and easy good humor,
balance, fgreedom from malice and pettiness, the absence of fear, the
presence of largesse and a permeating sense of gratitude. Creativity.
Connectedness. Correctness. This is the clear and rightful state of
the human being. One must die of the flesh to be born of the spirit.
One's life energy, formerly squandered by ego, can then be turned to the
higher purposes and potentials of life in the magnificent amusement
park of duality.
unshackled and imprisoned by ego, one with what they do and what they are
before we are harmed by the world and we spend years honing our defense mechanism, our personality
and becomes trapped by the personality
We learn to deny our true nature of childlikeness and was told to be an "adult"
personality is "adultlike/social desirable" self image using "adult symbolic"
we chameleon into fabric of society
we are told to hate our absorption, playfulness, creativity and was told to be adult-like. to be rigid and serious and to be compliant.
We are trapped in this ego trap living in the semantic world inside the ego shell (the personality world/the fake adult world
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